Prep Time5 minsCook Time12 minsTotal Time17 minsYields3 Servings

Spring has sprung which means asparagus season is upon us, and I'm not going to lie... I'm super happy about it! I love this nutrient-rich vegetable. I'm currently in the middle of my 30 day spring cleanse challenge with a few of my lovely clients. This herb roasted asparagus dish is one I've been whipping up regularly lately. Roasted asparagus in the oven is one of the easiest ways to prepare asparagus. To make it more nutrient-rich and cleansing I've been adding parsley on top. It's the perfect side dish to any main meal.

Asparagus is a superfood in my eyes. It's a wonderful source of beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, E K, folate and iron. Four cooked spears of fresh asparagus provide nearly half the daily recommendation for Vitamin K1, which aids bone and blood health. It's also rich in inulin. Inulin is important as it works as a prebiotic to help stimulate the growth of good healthy bacteria in the digestive system.


 2 bunches of asparagus
 1 tbsp olive oil
 ½ bunch of parsley
 salt/pepper to taste



Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with baking paper.


Break or chop off the tough ends of the asparagus. Place the asparagus on the baking, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper then sprinkle parsley on top. Toss to coat the asparagus completely.


Roast the asparagus for 12-15 minutes, until lightly browned.


 2 bunches of asparagus
 1 tbsp olive oil
 ½ bunch of parsley
 salt/pepper to taste



Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with baking paper.


Break or chop off the tough ends of the asparagus. Place the asparagus on the baking, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper then sprinkle parsley on top. Toss to coat the asparagus completely.


Roast the asparagus for 12-15 minutes, until lightly browned.


Herb Roasted Asparagus