8 Weeks To A Healthier You
Nutrition | Education | Meal Plans | Mindset | Lifestyle
An 8 week online course that will take the guesswork out of your health to transform your body and mind.
This 8-week course is designed to educate you, reset your health, balance your blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, support weight balance, improve digestive health, support hormones, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase energy levels. It’s designed to empower you, and give you the tools you need to get the results you want.
Payment plans available:
email [email protected] for interest in these payment options.
Option 1: 4x fortnightly payments of $99.50
Option 2: 2x monthly payments of $198.50
For less than $50 per week for 8 weeks you get nutritional support, motivation, education, inspiration, and access to me fortnightly via a private Facebook group. SPACES ARE LIMITED! This course ALWAYS sells out! Plus it’s the LAST TIME I’ll be offering this course. Reserve your spot today! The next intake for this course will begin in Monday 7th October 2024.
“This course is not a diet. It’s not about deprivation or restriction. It’s about realistic, satisfying, and sustainable lifestyle changes that enable you to feel your best and in control of your life, the choices you make, and the foods you eat!”
Let me show you how to:
This is an educational course which includes diet and/or lifestyle changes to make each week which are simple, realistic, and achievable.
This 8-week course will teach you how to:
- Balance blood sugar levels
- Balance your weight naturally and facilitate long long-term healthy fat loss
- Regulate your hunger hormones so you don’t feel hungry all day long
- Increase your energy levels and get your zest for life back
- Improve digestive function and reduce gut symptoms such as bloating and constipation
- Better manage stress and reduce anxiety
- Reduce inflammation
- Ditch the diet mentality
- Naturally support and balance hormones
- Cleanse your body and support natural detoxification
- Eat a balanced plate, and show you how a balanced day and week can look using wholefoods
- Understand how stress affects weight gain and digestive health and what you can do about it to fix it for good
- Optimize your health and wellbeing so you can live a life of vibrancy and balance
You’ll walk away from this course with so much knowledge about how to support optimal health that will last a life time! You’ll feel lighter and more in control of your food choices and lifestyle choices. It’ll help you get to the root cause of what may be holding you back from getting the results you want. You’ll be well educated and amazed at how quickly your mind and body will respond.
What you’ll get:
- Weekly educational content for the health topic being covered that week, along with key goals to focus on for the week ahead which are realistic and achievable
- 3x 7-day meal plans + dietary guidelines options (one of the meal plans is for vegetarians/vegans)
- Access to a private FB group
- Weekly Q & A with me where you can ask me any questions you have. I want to make sure you feel supported along the way so you can reach your health goals! This will be a video Q & A in the private FB group.
- Supportive supplement list
- Lots of additional downloadable pdf resources to support you on your journey (which you can keep for life)
- Wholefood recipes
An overview of the course:
- Intro + prep week
- Week 1: How to balance blood sugar levels for reduced cravings, weight management & stable energy levels
- Week 2: Gut health, tips and tricks to heal your gut
- Week 3: How to lose and manage weight naturally and with ease
- Week 4: Stress and your lifestyle – how stress affects weight, digestion & more
- Week 5: Your cleansing toolbox – how to naturally cleanse and reset your body
- Week 6: How to boost energy and get your zest for life back
- Week 7: How to naturally support hormones
- Week 8: How to continue to live a life of vibrancy and balance – putting it all together
The next course will start Monday 7th October 2024. Spaces are limited and selling fast!
Payment plan options – please email [email protected] for these payment options.
Option 1: 4x fortnightly payments of $99.50
Option 2: 2x monthly payments of $198.50
That’s less than $50 per week for 8 weeks of nutritional support, motivation, education and inspiration!
This course ALWAYS sells out!! Course beings Monday 7th October 2024. Reserve your spot today.
- “I cannot recommend this course enough. Natalie is incredibly knowledgeable, realistic and so personable, making it an enjoyable journey from start to finish, and beyond. Learning the ‘why’ and having the support and guidance to then implement everything was invaluable. It has changed the way I look at, and think about food. I was early postpartum when beginning the course and have seen amazing changes in my body as a result, both physically, mentally and medically. Including weight loss, no more cravings, a complete reduction in migraines, improvements in my sleep, and so much in between. I still can’t quite believe how simple and ‘easy’ it felt, and continues to feel. Thank you Natalie!” – Jessica
- “This course you have done has been amazing Natalie. I have been learning so much, although I knew some before, now I have better greater understanding how all fits together. It has given me confidence and the ability to adapt, still work in progress though! I will continue to watch videos and go over course again. So thank you for everything you have put into this course, and all the information and videos, your emails have inspired and really helped me, it has all been just so great, really appreciate Natalie.” – Anita
- “This was such an incredible course, I honestly cannot stop raving about it to friends and family. So far I’ve lost 12cm from my waist, 13cm from my belly button and 8cm from my hips. Everything in this course is broken down so well, which made it all easy to understand and by gaining knowledge of the ‘why’ made implementing the changes so much easier. The thing I enjoyed the most, was definitely the fact that it wasn’t just a standard plan or diet that you have to follow hard and fast, there is variety and flexibility and you don’t feel like you’re missing out or being restricted. I love that I have learnt how to look at a meal now, to ensure it’s ticking off all the elements that it needs to, to best satisfy my body and minimise cravings, to basically zero.” – Amanda
“This course has been so inspiring. The content informative and do able. The information on portal was easy to navigate and in bite sized pieces that i could manage and more importantly put into action. I am feeling great and motivated to keep my new ways of being top of mind. The weekly live Q & A’s have also been been great additional content, I’ve learnt so much more from them. I can’t thank you enough!” – Dy
- “I am feeling SO good! My mental state has really improved, as my weight issues were really getting me down and I felt so out of control and hopeless. I am now down 7 kilos already and its only week 4 of your program! I have more energy overall. I used to have so many energy crashes and sugar cravings throughout the day and evening but now it’s pretty minimal. I am so stoked with.” – Kathy
- “I have absolutely loved the course! I went in a little nervous I would know a bit already as I’ve been on a health journey the past two years but I put my ego aside and I have learnt so much and everything you have taught me has really aligned with my goals and I love all holistic approaches to life. I’m using all your information as my bible. I will no longer turn to google for advice haha. So thank you so much I have loved it so much!” – Monique
I will be rereading everything while I have access to the app.
- “It’s been an excellent 8 weeks! I feel more like my old healthy self & in much better shape! Even though I’ve always felt I ate healthily, you’ve given me so much more to work with & aim for. Thank you!” – Catherine
“I want to thank you. I have found the 8 weeks informative and well-paced, not overwhelming at all. Navigating the online learning was well set out and in bit sized pieces that I could absorb and most importantly I could put into action. The resources and recipes that you provided were on point and doable. Most importantly, I made diet and lifestyle changes with depriving myself. I am noticing a big difference in my sleep and my digestive system on the whole is calming down. I am so happy to have found you and have your expertise to guide me to be the best version of myself.” – Dyane
- “Your course is so well put together, easy to follow and implement, informative and just the right amount of length/time. I liked that your approach was to offer the information and then let the user take on board and choose whether they made the change or not if it aligned with them. A couple months on from the course and I am still practicing a number of your suggestions daily.” – Lucy
- “Thank you so much, the course has been wonderful and has exceeded my expectations. I thought that I understood what I ‘should’ be eating and that my problem was just a lack of self control. That was such a stressful burden and actually wasn’t true. I have learned so much and the changes have made a huge difference to my health. I finally feel like my weight loss goals are achievable. Thank you!” – Kathy
- “I have loved the course. It’s freed up my mind and time a lot too! I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading nutrition books and looking at diets and programs to sign up to but now I am just going to restart your program again once I finish and really try to get the habits to solidify and follow your meal plan perfectly for bit. I am really enjoying an increase in energy too. I truly think you are amazing Natalie, you have given your time and knowledge more than I think was required and I really appreciate it. I absolutely love the extra help you give over Facebook with the extra suggestions. It’s a little sad it’s the end of the course this week!” – Amber
- “I am extremely glad I have joined this course as I have learnt so much – I think I am the sort of person who needs to know “the why” behind doing things! I will be going over the course again as there has been so much information. Thanks for making such a great course and delivering it in a clear and easy to understand way. I especially enjoy the Wednesday Q&A” – Kim
- “I found the content to be extremely informative, and shared in a clear and concise way. It was very easy to read and understand, and I felt like I had the tools and resources I needed to apply the content. I also enjoyed the topics of each week, particularly the first couple of weeks. Also, your general philosophy on eating and nutrition is very realistic and accessible for everyone, which I appreciated. Your weekly and overall goals serve as a quick guide to the big ideas of the content, which will be very helpful moving forward.” – Payge
- “I feel really good after doing your program. It was so educational. I got some really valuable information from it. I now don’t overthink what I eat, it was great to simplify things for myself as constantly reading all the information on the web can be so overwhelming. You made everything really understandable and achievable which I’m so grateful for!” – Melissa
- “I really enjoyed the course. With me having SIBO I really wasn’t sure whether it would be very helpful but it was amazingly helpful. I follow you on FB and also have read through your website but the course had a wealth of knowledge way beyond them on how I can make me a better person! I love how it was broken down into sections that you can focus on for each week. The weekly goals were awesome. Small enough to feel like you can achieve them but also enough that they would make a difference. I feel the sections made the whole process far more manageable and less daunting. What I have learnt from your course has set me up to ensure that me and my family will have be able to get our health on track and live our best life. Thank you for making yourself available each week for our Q&A videos. These were great.” – Kylie
- “I’ve really enjoyed the program and have found it all really useful information. The blood sugar balancing meal ideas have been great for my energy and just learning how to keep blood sugar balanced has been a game changer. I’ve been making a lot of recipes of the meal plans and rotating through them. Thanks for a great program! It’s been great having things broken down into weeks to learn something new.” – Paigan
- “I am feeling a lot better and in control of my eating habits. I have cooked several of your recipes from your website and they have been great! The kids even enjoyed them!. My husband is following along too and have also noticed some incredible changes, he’s lost so much weight and has noticed a change in his energy levels too” – Michelle
- “I really enjoyed this course. The first three weeks we’re by far the best for me! I also really enjoyed the lives, I probably got more out of those than anything, even if I didn’t ask a question, I loved hearing what others were asking. I really enjoyed how realistic your approach was, especially around balanced eating and treat meals, it taught me so much.” – Hayley
- “I would recommend Natalie’s course to anyone who wants to reset your health by learning some simple dietary and lifestyle tools. I already had a sound knowledge of nutrition but the course taught me how to maximise the nutrient density of each meal. I have chronic constipation issues and after the course it has improved a lot .. and when it flares up again I now have the tools to deal with it. Natalie is a very organised and patient educator who really has a sound knowledge of nutrition. I enjoyed this course and would highly recommend it to anyone.” – Margaret
- “The biggest change is my mental health, I’ve lived with anxiety and depression for longer than I’ve known and my anxiety attacks have drastically decreased. I used to have two-three massive panic attacks a day, and I’m currently down to one a week. I now know, food plays a massive role in mental well-being, and eating better is non-negotiable but being realistic, and knowing having a few treats are important too.” – Hayley
- I have absolutely loved this course, it’s been life changing for me. I’ll be sad when it ends , I’ve loved all the tips, and q&a’s, you have given me so much more understanding around foods and getting the right nutrients in with every meal, skills for life! I feel like I’m eating more but feel way leaner in my body, and I’m not being restrictive with foods. My energy has also improved so much! It’s such an awesome program!” – Rebekah
- “I’m really enjoying the programme, thanks. I have lost a little weight which is great. My days used to revolve around eating especially chocolate, and now food has become about fuelling my body. Definitely don’t have the cravings that I used to experience. My stomach doesn’t hurt anymore – which it used to do constantly from bloating, I am the most ‘regular’ than I have ever been in my life. So everything has improved.” – Erika
- “I have really enjoyed the course – I feel like I’ve gained so much knowledge about food. I’m eating so many more protein rich food and vegetables. I’ve also just learnt so many tips and tricks, each week I seem to add more knowledge on food and body wellness after your online talks. Thank you so much – for sharing.” – Leish
- “I’m feeling really good. Love the amount of nutrients I’m packing into my diet. Never feel hungry and have built some fantastic healthy habits.” – Jess
“I really enjoyed the course and the simple, incremental steps for each week. Week one with the blood sugar balance was definitely the most important for me and has really improved my health in so many ways, it’s changed my whole mindset around food. Thanks so much for providing a great course.” – Rosie
- “I have really enjoyed the course. I have learnt so much and find nutrition and how your body works / reacts so interesting.” – Jenna
- You’ve made me much more mindful of what I eat. I’ve surprised myself with my willpower. We haven’t eaten any bread since we started…not missing it at all, and actually not missing any of the usual snack things I’d turn to on the way home from work. Your resources and information are just amazing and I feel your program is sustainable in the long term. Just changes the way I think about the food I’m eating. Thanks so much!” – Tarn
Let's connect @nataliebradynutrition
The information on this website is not intended to replace the advice of your GP, a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended for self-diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. The entire content of this website is based on the opinions of Natalie Brady, a qualified Holistic Nutritionist, unless otherwise noted. Click here for term and conditions of services.
Copyright © Natalie Brady Nutrition 2022 | Natalie Brady Nutrition Listed in Auckland's Top Nutritionists | Website by Fuel Media