What My Clients Say
“Thank you for not judging me. I’ve wanted to see a nutritionist for years, but I was ashamed of my diet and some of my lifestyle choices, and scared of being judged. You were so warming, friendly and supportive of me. You have honeslty changed my life, and I’m so glad I found you and reached out! Thank you for everything!”
— Paula (lifestyle change client)
“Thank you so much for the help you have already provided me with so far, I am so grateful to you. It has been so exciting to see the changes in my health and wellbeing by making time to understand my body and stress levels, and slowing down a bit. I am loving the meals and have developed a much better relationship with food – and have never eaten this many veggies (and happily so!) in my life! My skin is the best its been, I have increased energy and decreased bloat. Very happy! You are the best, cant thank you enough!
— Amber (weight loss & energy client)
“I’m feeling like a new woman! Thank you Nat! I have a lot more energy, I feel way less bloated and less tired. I’m now clearing my bowel daily instead of 2-3 times per week. My headaches have been pretty much non-existent which is also amazing, cravings have been minimal, appetite had reduced as I’m not as hungry anymore because I finally feel like I’m supporting my blood sugar levels. I feel like my mindset is changing too, I’m not so worried about the number on the scale anymore, it’s more about how I feel and how my clothes fit. Overall, I cannot believe how well I’m feeling after only 2 months. Oh and another bonus, my sex drive has slightly increased too, so my hormones are starting to balance as well. Honestly Nat, thank you so much, you’re so lovely and been such a huge help and support!”
— Jennifer (weight loss & balanced diet client)
“Thank you Natalie, I’ve been feeling so amazing lately! Now I have more energy I’m feeling so motivated with everything and also my clothes getting loser & fitting better so I’m finally shifting the weight I’ve been struggling to move. The foods I’m eating aren’t leaving me feeling bloated or too full and I can now finally separate my wants from my needs when it comes to eating. My husband and kids are also benefiting from eating this way (and my kids have even asked me for more veggies)!! It’s been such a positive impact on my whole family so thank you so much!”
— Gabby (weight loss & increase energy client)
“After 6 weeks following your plan I’ve finally quit sugar (which I never thought I could happen), no more cravings, headaches, bloating, stomach cramps, my stomach is flatter, I’m waking up more refreshed. THANK YOU SO MUCH NAT! It’s been SO much easier that I thought!”
— Hannah (quit sugar, gut health client)
“My nutritional consultations with Natalie have been an awesome experience and allowed me to become so much more educated about healthy food choices. Not only have I met my weight loss goals but my energy levels and all round wellbeing is at the best it has been in years. The investment was well worth the rewards!”
— Sophie (weight loss client)
“I’ve been working with Nat for the 4 months and I’m amazed at the results. The changes in energy levels and how I feel I is amazing, I didn’t know how good you can actually feel through simple diet and lifestyle changes. Some of the lifestyle changes were a struggle initially (especially cutting back exercise), but I’m really pleased with the way things are going. I feel so much better mentally, less stressed, I’m happier within myself and not being so hard on myself. I didn’t realise how much my lifestyle choices and diet choices which I thought were “healthy” were impacting my health (in a negative way). I feel so much more comfortable around food and finally feel I’m giving my body what it needs to function at it’s best.”
— Kaylee (heating eating, healthy mind-body approach to foods)
“I want to thank you for the tremendous help you have given me. I really look at nutrition in a positive light because of you. I have so much more energy and living without arthritic pain is SO nice!!! Thank you so much! ”
— Sandra (Improve diet & energy levels client)
“I went to Natalie a little over 3 months ago feeling bloated, sluggish and disillusioned with my expanding waistline despite a relatively healthy diet. I have a history of endometriosis and I knew diet was playing a part in the inflammation and pain I was having and approaching 50 I knew my hormones were all over the place. Natalies’ holistic approach is great. Natalie tackled my hormonal imbalance to start with and introduced a few tweaks at a time to my diet. These minor tweaks made such a difference and before I knew it my stomach was flatter, my energy levels were rising and I felt like I was feeling so much calmer and more balanced. Weight loss has become secondary to my goals now – my no.1 priority is to feel good, and now that I am, the weight loss has started to come. I am so happy where I am at. Natalie has been amazing to work with, non judgmental and so encouraging. I look forward to continuing my journey with Natalie.”
— Claire (hormones & weight loss client)
“I must say that I feel really great. I am making my smoothies as per your smoother builder and it’s made an enormous change to my energy and hunger levels and bowel movements. I can feel that I have lost a few centimetres on my torso (just above the waistline) – this is the area that I put weight on easily. So all in all I’m really benefiting hugely from these small changes”
— Caterina (weight loss & energy client)
“I saw Natalie recently for a nutrition consultation, to help with my energy levels and lower my sugar intake. Natalie gave me a framework for how to build nutritious meals which was super simple to understand and gave me confidence that I knew how to best look after myself. I can’t believe how easy it has been to cut down on my sugar intake and I finally have some self-control, I seriously never thought this would be possible! I am SO thankful for Natalie’s help.”
— Vanessa (reduce sugar & increase energy client)
“Wow, I feel like a new woman! I initially thought it was going to be hard to make changes, but I’m so surprised at how easy to is. I’m so glad I decided it’s time to start looking at myself, adapt some good habits and invest in myself, it’s the best investment I’ve done in a long time, I wish I did it sooner! I feel the calmest I have in years, have more stable energy levels, I’ve lost weight and I’m not constipated anymore. And what I love the most is that it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. It’s knowing what to eat for me, and how foods affect me. You’ve taught me so much about how to nourish my body and I can’t thank you enough!”
— Gemma (weight loss & digestive health client )
“Your nutrition plan and consults were so helpful! I have so much more energy but the mental relaxation around food is what I’ve noticed the most and it feels so freeing not fearing food anymore! It’s made my interaction with friends so much better! I’m even exercising less and eating more and feel the healthiest and happiest I have in years! You’re the best Nat, thank you so much!”
— Erin (lifestyle change & dietary help)
“Thank you so much for all your help over the last few months. I have really enjoyed learning all the tips and tricks you had to share to help me with my health. I certainly learned a lot and have incorporated some new habits into my daily routines which have made such a difference for me. And all the follow ups were useful for me to come back and recentre and layer on some new advice. I never felt overwhelmed or that things were unachievable, and I always knew you were a quick email away. Looking forward to keeping up with your recipes and advice!”
— Kailyn (gut health & weight balance client)
“This was my first experience working with a Nutritionist. I emailed 3 different Nutritionists and Natalie really stood out , showing compassion for my personal situation and my struggles with long covid over the last year. She was completely non judgmental about the amount of weight I had recently put on, or the diet I was eating. She was kind and approachable. I also liked that she addressed more than just diet. She has a holistic approach. Natalie showed me a new way of eating that was easy to follow. More than that she addressed my water consumption, exercise, sleeping habits and mindful breathing to relieve stress. There was a lot to be changed. But Natalie was right there encouraging and offering great advice from her extensive knowledge around holistic wellness. Natalie is constantly reading, researching and refining that knowledge and was generous in sharing it when I threw a lot of questions at her. She examined my blood work and discovered my Dr had overlooked testing for Vitamin D and I was very deficient. Natalie is thorough. Long story short, in the 3 months I have been under her care I have lost 10kg and I am back at work, nearly at my original hours. I have sugar cravings under control, I sleep better. I have more than doubled my water intake. I can go for a walk with my dogs and feel energized at the end rather than depleted. It sounds corny but it’s true that my life has changed significantly for the better in the last 3 months. Natalie is amazing!!!”
— Kate (long-covid, weight loss client)
“I haven’t been able to shift weight for many years, I’ve tried so many different diets and nothing worked!
6 weeks into Natalie’s plan and I’ve lost 4kg! I’m actually blown away. Not only has she educated me about how to eat for my body, she has also educated me about where I was going wrong with my diet and why the weight wasn’t shifting. I’ve had other positive changes as well, such as more energy, I’m sleeping the best I have in years and feeling so much healthier and happier, and I feel I’m able to manage stress better now too. I’m amazed that such small changes, a bit of education and a change in habits can make such a huge difference. Thanks Natalie, I’m so excited to continue this journey with you!”
— Marie (weight loss client)
“It has been fantastic to work with Natalie to get my gut health back on track. As well as being a lovely person, she is very knowledgeable and has great advice that was simple for me to follow and stick to. Within 8 weeks of following Natalie’s plan I have noticed a great improvement in my overall health. I love her holistic approach to health, and her recipes are simple but yummy and healthy using nutritious whole foods. I would definitely recommend Natalie to anyone needing help with improving their overall health and wellbeing.”
— Gina (gut health client)
“I’ve lost 3kg of body fat in 2 weeks since working with Natalie. My PMS symptoms this cycle also disappeared. All of this while still having treats and amongst the chaos of moving homes. I highly recommend if you want someone to uncomplicated nutrition for you, in a very real, approachable way, see Natalie!”
— Haper (weight loss client & balanced living client)
“I can’t believe how simple and easy to follow your nutrition plan has been! I was so scared to see a nutritionist because I thought I was going to have to follow a strict diet, but I don’t feel like I’m dieting at all and I’m loving all your delicious meals! You’re amazing, I’ve recommended you to all my family and friends!”
— Amanda (lifestyle change client)
“Thank you for all your wonderful help with regards to my nutrition. You have really opened my eyes to the flaws in my nutritional approach. I have certainly noticed some incredible changes since starting to work with you back in January this year. Thank you again for all your great expertise and advice. I will be sure to recommend your services to anyone I know seeking a nutritionis.”
— Katya (improve nutrition & wellness)
“You have been amazing. I love your holistic approach in treating the whole person instead of trying to solve just one problem. Everything is connected – as I’ve discovered my eating patterns can be caused by emotions! How to tackle that on a personal level and a cellular one is your priority – which is all around supportive. Building me up with a good diet so that my organs can function at their most optimal level, as well as helping me emotionally (with hormone balancing food/teas) has made me take a new approach to trying to lose weight all this time. I’m now finding myself wanting to feed my body and let the weight do it’s own thing -but we both know it will come off eventually.
Thank you thank you thank you. I really love working with you. X”
— Suzi (weight loss client)
“Thankyou for all you help with regards to my nutrition. Before coming to you I was lost and unsure about what i should be fuelling my body with to be healthy. I didn’t realise how poor my current ‘healthy’ eating habits were for my body and the possible consequences in later life. You acknowledged my mental struggles and adapted a plan that made sure i was comfortable with the changes, i never once felt judged. My biggest achievement is the mental shift i have had between food and social interactions. I am now so much more comfortable around food and feel like am giving my body what it needs to function at its best. I cant’ thank you enough for supporting me and getting me back on track.”
— Emma (healthy eating/lifestyle change client)
“Your diet recommendations are awesome, I am still following them 6 month after our consult and getting GREAT results! I just wanted to email and say thank you so much! ”
— Raewyn (energy & wellness client)
“It’s amazing how a few little tweeks can make such a difference. As you know yourself suffering with these sorts of issues for a long time you just put up with it as you think it’s normal when that is actually so far from the truth. I’m amazed that with these small changes we’ve made I’ve managed to loose a few kgs and my tummy bloating/pain has reduced so much. You have such a great understanding of the body and I’m so grateful that I stumbed across your website otherwise I’d still be suffering. I know I still have a long way to go, but I’m over the moon with the progress we’ve made so far. I’m sure this won’t be the last thank you from me as we are only on week 2 of the journey. 10 points for you 🙂
— Hayley (digestive health & weight loss client)
“I’m starting to feel my mood lift and motivation is much higher than it’s been, probably for years. I probably didn’t realise before how inconsistent my bowel movements were, but I’ve definitely noticed a change in this department!!”
— Radhika (fatigue client)
“I can’t thank you enough for your help and guidance over the past couple of months. I feel so much more balanced and a lot happier! The mental shift I’ve experienced in the way I now look and food and exercise has been my biggest achievement, along with improved energy and digestive health!”
— Olivia (support/guidance on how to lead a balanced healthy life)
“I found Natalie on the web and was impressed with her straight forward approach to nutrition.
I was looking for some guidance on eating healthily as I exercise regularly and wished to lose some weight without feeling tired. I was also having broken sleep. Natalie has been brilliant in suggesting simple changes to my diet. I am now far more aware of what and when I am eating without the sugar rushes. Working with Natalie also highlighted when I was having alcohol and I am now comfortable with restricting that to weekends to benefit my health and energy levels. Thank you Natalie, for your calm and helpful assistance.
I have reached my goals and feel energised to continue. I will certainly be in touch if I lose track and need some correction again.”
— Evelyn (weight loss & healthy eating client)
“Thank you Natalie for all your great advice. Having the right foods and ingredients were the missing piece to my overall health. As a diabetic I was always focusing on carb counting and working out six days a week. I now eat less carbs, more protein, workout less and take less insulin. My overall health has improved dramatically. I am now more aware of what I should be eating and when. I am feeling better within myself and do not desire any of the many foods that were impacting on my overall health. My blood sugar levels are now more controlled. I now am focused on giving my body what it needs to function at its best. Thank you once again for all your professional guidance. It has been a game changer.“
— Scott (Type 1 diabete & weight loss client)
“There were two things that appealed to me about getting help from Natalie. The first was her recipes were really easy to follow and used ingredients that I mainly had at home. The second was her statement about taking all the health information out there and making an easy to follow programme especially for me. The information she gathered was very thorough and my ‘tick list’ was really acheivable. Because she asked about changes she wanted me to make, and consulted with me rather than lecture me, I have been really surprised with my progress. After having 2 kids, I definately wasn’t looking after my health. I now have more energy, no problems with my sinuses or eczema and have lost my first 5 kg (now working on the next goal). This has been such a worthwhile process that has changed my life!”
— Toni L (weight loss & healthy eating client)
“3 weeks into your weight loss plan and I’m loving it. I’ve lost 4kilos, I don’t feel like I’m dieting at all! I’m enjoying all the food, being more conscious of what and when I eat and how food affects me. My indigestion has gone, energy has increased and for once I feel like I’m finally looking after and prioritising myself! THANK YOU so much!”
— Kathryn (weight loss client)
“5.5kg lost after 6 weeks of following your personalized plan! Energy has lifted, digestion has improved, I’m feeling better within myself, & I’m more aware of what to eat & when. Thanks so much Nat!”
— Kathryn (weight loss & wellness client)
“I reached out to Natalie after years of gut/bowel issues. I wish I did it 10 years ago, as I am feeling the best I have felt. Although I ate healthy, I was not nurturing my body as I should. I couldn’t believe how fast I noticed a difference. She has cured my bowel issues, as well as improved my overall health. Also, I am no longer fatigued & no longer have daily cravings.She has so much knowledge – highly recommend ”
— Laura (digestive health client and general wellness)
“I didn’t expect to notice such a difference in such a short time frame. It’s been so easy to follow your plan too! 3 kilos down in 4 weeks, pants are feeling loose, I’m not feeling bloated and puffy anymore, I’m able to clear my bowel daily (which hasn’t been the case for many years), my headaches are gone and my sleep has improved and is a lot deeper. It’s been so awesome to have someone to hold me accountable and have someone to check in with to keep me on track and keep me motivated. And I’ve learnt so much as well, you’re a wealth of knowledge. Thank you so much, I can’t wait to continue this journey together.”
— Rachel (digestive health client)
“I can’t believe in only 2 weeks after following your guidelines for the weight loss program I’ve lost 3kg. I haven’t been able to shift that weight in YEARS!! And to have lost 2 cm’s around my waist and hip’s as well is just unbelievable. You truly are a miracle worker. After you explained to me where I needed to correct my diet and educate me about blood sugar balance, I now understand how I wasn’t feeding my body correctly. I’m also shocked that in 2 weeks I have hardly any cravings, I’m full and satisfied throughout the day, my digestion has improved (no more bloating, stomach cramps and bad flatulence), and I also have no more afternoon energy slumps – in just 2 weeks!! I love the food too, so easy to prepare! Thank you Nat, I can’t wait to continue working together!”
— Kirsty (weight loss client & quit sugar client)
“We have been working with Natalie for the past 9 months and she has helped us make small consistent changes to our lifestyles that have helped us to lose weight, stay healthier with more energy and a clearer focus. We lead very busy lives and Natalie has made everything fit in with what we do to help us achieve results, being flexible and adaptive to us when it hasn’t always been our top priority.”
— Dan & Kristin (couples appointment – weight loss/healthy eating)
“After many years of yo-yo eating and weight fluctuation thanks to Natalie I now understand real food! How what I’m eating makes me feel, to understanding what I need to eat to keep me full and not constantly snacking. In the 4 months I have been working with Natalie I am at my goal weight, I’ve changed my mindset and have all the tools I need to eat a whole food diet and best of all it’s easy. Natalie’s recipes are quick and simple with wholesome ingredients. I love Natalie’s holistic approach and the fact that she looks at me as a whole, not just food as my other issue was sleep quantity & quality. This has now improved dramatically along with my afternoon energy levels, no more 3pm slump. I highly recommend Natalie, she’s been life changing for me!”
— Sally (improve sleep, energy & weight loss client)
“I feel so much better within myself and my eating habits. I really like your personalized menu & easy to follow guidelines. I think my blood sugar is starting to even out which is great. I’m also a LOT more mindful of how food is affecting me. I’m so glad I meet you, thank you for being so welcoming, friendly and supporting me!”
— Sam (weight loss & energy client)
“Dan and I had two appointments with you, and in that short time we have made big lifestyle changes and have noticed such a big difference! I’ve lost 5 kgs and Dan has lost 6 kgs. We both feel great and love the tips you gave us. Thank you for your help!”
— Milly & Dan (weight loss couple)
“Thank you for all your help, it has been eye opening and such a great guideline to follow! I use all lots of the information you provided on a daily basis and am so much more conscious of what I put in my body and what works and doesn’t work. And am so happy with my weight loss results. Thank you Nat!!”
— Madison (weight loss client)
“Natalie is amazing. She has totally transformed my life since I made the decision to change. My body feels so much healthier since I changed my diet and followed Natalie’s recipes which are a breeze to cook. She has so much knowledge and is totally non-judgemental. Whether it’s the family in need of change or the individual, Natalie is the right choice as your journeys companion. I look forward to continuing our quest together.
— Ally (weight loss and energy client)
“Natalie, You are amazing! Thank you! You have honestly helped me to get my life back and I am so thankful.”
— Sam (gut health, weight loss)
“I’m really loving your programme & meal plan! The meal plan is delicious and doesn’t feel like I’m depriving myself of anything at all. Thanks very much Natalie, for your great advice! I’m definitely on the mend, thanks to your diet. ”
— Rose (weight loss & wellness client)
“You are amazing Nat, honestly you have changed my life. I am functioning better at work, I have more energy to workout, I am sleeping the best I have done in years, I feel leaner through my waist. Thank you much, you’re a godsend, I’m so glad I found you!”
— Dylan (weight loss, healthy eating)
“I’ve worked with Natalie for 12 weeks to heal my eczema and ended up doing a 12-week gut healing protocol to fix my leaky gut. After 12 weeks not only has my eczema which was all over my face, neck, legs, arms almost gone but my energy has improved (which has been a really nice added benefit). Overall I feel a so much better than before I started the programme, and finally after 30 years (and lots of corticosteroids) I feel my eczema is under control through simple diet and lifestyle recommendations from Natalie.”
— Craig (eczema client)
“I had chronic reflux and indigestion for the past year, was clearing my bowel 1x per week, energy was so low, and I was having trouble sleeping. After only 4 weeks working with Nat my reflux has almost gone, I’m clearing my bowels almost daily, my energy levels doubled and my sleep has improved. Thanks SO much for all your help Nat, I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with you. ”
— Mark (digestive health and wellness client)
“Natalie’s advice and vast knowledge of food and nutrition has helped me greatly with my health! Due to a health complication I was unable to digest what felt like any and all foods. But with Natalie’s helped I went from only being able to handle about 8 different wholefoods to now eating curries, chocolate and even a cheeky margarita! Thanks so much Natalie for you wisdom and guidance!”
— Natasha (digestive health client)
“My former diet appeared healthy but was actually creating a number of the issues I was experiencing. Nat was able to explain that and I now have things back in my diet I love and feel fantastic.”
— Grant M (energy & healthy eating client)
“I went to Natalie in the first instance as I knew my relationship with food was negative. Although I was eating relatively healthy most of the time, I knew I was not fuelling my body well for the amount of exercise I was doing (which was a lot), and I would feel very guilty when I went off track. I have always been worried about my weight and was punishing my body in order to lose a few kilos. I cannot thank Natalie enough for her advice & support to improve my lifestyle. She has been amazing to work alongside. After only a couple of months following the plan Natalie put together for me, I feel like a completely different person. I am no longer thinking about my weight constantly, I am more relaxed in my approach to exercise and am therefore enjoying it more, and I am really loving the variety of food and cooking! I initially went to Natalie wanting to lose weight, but I have benefitted so much more. My focus has completely shifted to nourishing my body instead of punishing it.”
— Olivia (weight loss, healthy/balanced eating)
“Having Natalie’s support is awesome. I knew I could be better with my nutrition and I knew I would feel better for it if I could make the changes. My best friend and I committed to Natalie’s 6 week bestie deal. This was such a great way to make the necessary changes by having the support of your best friend and Natalie. Natalie has a great way with her clients – she made me feel valued, understood and a human. But while being so nice, she was a great motivator and encourager – she was the “kick up the butt” I needed! I have been working with Natalie for 10 weeks, and in that time I have so much more energy, I don’t have the same allergies (no more taking anit-histamines daily!) and really important to me as a full time worker and mother of two young children, the changes are sustainable – I have the skills and knowledge to maintain the nutritional changes without creating more work or spending more time on meals in the evenings. Thanks Natalie and I look forward to continuing this nutritional and wellness journey that I am on, with your support (and my best friends!)”
— Liz (accountability, motivation & more energy client)
“The purpose of my initial consult with Nat was to establish if I have allergies from food that causes my sinus problems, and feeling bloated. I also wanted to loose some weight. She recommended a 21 day program which she asked me to follow as close as possible. I did what she asked of me and could not believe the results. I was/am absolutely delighted with the outcome. Furthermore, I so appreciated how she shared her knowledge in a clear and concise way. I had never really being told the importance of the gut and how its health impacts your overall wellbeing. Going forward, Nat gave me some very clearly defined pointers to help with weight loss. As I am a very detailed person, I love her instructions, i.e. 2/3 of a cup almond milk, 1/2 tsp of freshly grated ginger etc… This takes the hassle of what I should eat, and the quantity. Nat has been professional and friendly through the whole process. I could not recommend her highly enough.”
— Sonja (weight loss, allergies, gut health)
“As a kiwi living overseas, I was pleasantly surprised when Nat made some alterations so I could take part on the 6 week weight loss program from afar. Her communication is always outstanding and she has been so helpful in ensuring I get the right supplements that also travel well. The program itself is easy to follow – I’ve tried ‘clean eating’ a few times but have always gone back to old habits. This time around I’ve found the plan much easier to follow to the point where I’ve implemented sustainable lifestyle changes that I’m confident are here for the long term. A big factor for me was not counting calories but getting used to the right portions / quantities by following the plan and having really delicious but easy recipes to work from; I absolutely LOVE the recipes, and I am always on the website now. A fam fave are the Quinoa, Carrot and Beetroot fritters. My clothes are fitting better and I’ve noticed my energy levels are better and also more consistent throughout the day. After making sure I got 8 hrs sleep a night, I was up and out of bed without any issues – something I used to struggle with on less sleep. The benefits have been so great, that even with a little break form the program when I went overseas, it was easy for me to jump back into it as soon as I got home. And I was looking forward to it too! Nat’s holistic approach to wellness with food as a core component is spot on and I’ve learnt so much from her expertise already.”
— Noelle (weight loss program client)
“Thank you for your dietary analysis and your detailed reply. I’ve been really looking forward to reading your email – I didn’t realise how encouraging it would be to get some real feedback. It’s helped me a lot to know where I need to make adjustments to my diet to improve my overall wellness.
Prior to this I thought it was hard to commit to the never having certain foods again. But as you say if life is about balance then I should achieve good health doing these things most of the time. Look forward to keeping in touch. ”
— Ayla T (healthy eating and living client)
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you! I got my period yesterday!!! I’ve never been so happy to have it. I got the pills after our last Skype and have been implementing the diet and lifestyle changes! I am feeling so much better! Sleeping good, going toilet twice a day and just all in general starting to feel a lot better about myself! I can’t thank you enough for all your help and guidance!”
— Danielle (hormones & digestive health client)
“In 8 weeks my energy levels have gone from 1/10 to 8/10, I have lost 5 kilos (which I thought would take 6 months not 2), and my chronic pain has gone from 7/10 to 4/10 (still currently working on this) as I have fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis and graves disease. Natalie put me on an anti-inflammatory diet and a couple of supportive supplements, along with my current medication which I was able to decrease while the pain and inflammation went down. Before I saw Natalie I used to have a nap every afternoon, I no longer do this. My digestive system has improved from 1x a day to 2-3x a day, no more bloating or indigestion. I used to get numbness and tingling during the night, this has gone. My fitness and flexibility has gotten way better, I can now walk for 1 hour instead of only 30 minutes. I’m not feeling forgetful anymore, my concentration has improved, I don’t get any more throbbing in my varicose veins at night. Also, my taste buds have changed, I wasn’t expecting this but when I tried something sweet for the first time last week I could only handle one bite! Overall, I’m feeling so much better, and I’m looking forward to maintaining this lifestyle! Thanks Natalie”
— Glenda K (weight loss, healthy eating & pain reduction client)
“Natalie’s professional experience and education in the field of holistic nutrition in addition to her own personal journey encouraged me to make a much needed change in my lifestyle. When I came to see her I was stuck in a rut with my diet and exercise regime and I felt like I needed to switch things up. Natalie worked with me over three sessions to identify areas that needed changing based on my lifestyle at the time and offered advice on how to reach my health goals. I’m now feeling more energized, positive and on track to continue with the changes I’ve made!”
— Brooke J (energy & healthy eating client)
“Several months ago I started my journey into Wellness living. It was during this journey I was introduced to Natalie as a nutritionist consultant. Natalie radiated healthy living and obviously practiced what she preached her manner knowledge and real effort to understand my life style and how that impacted on my health was impressive. After an in-depth consultation we embarked on a program designed to meet my needs and goals .Natalie followed up regularly with emails and suggestions and we tried a couple of combinations with food options and supplement’s I was immediately impressed as my energy levels ,sleep patterns , and general wellness showed improvements well beyond my expectations. Several months later I continue to enjoy this new found lifestyle my body shape changed leaner, toned with strength energy and vitality that I had all but given up on achieving. Natalie’s guidance and professional advice were all testament to these results and I could not make a higher recommendation.”
— Mike S (weight loss, digestive health, energy client)
“I came to Natalie after having lived with being lactose intolerant for 4 years and eating healthy food most of the time. But I had a bad habit of binge eating generally once a week which would leave me feeling tired and angry. This then impacted on my daily life as I am an active person. At this point I decided to do something about it and I wanted to learn how to correctly fuel my body and have a better relationship with my food. This is where Natalie was a huge help. Natalie was very supportive during all my consults and still is now following my appointments. Initially I thought we would be focusing on food, but Natalie looks at how the body works as a whole. She was very thorough in her work and made me feel very comfortable during our appointments which meant I could discuss my problems more easily with her. She always found things that worked best for me and gave me a range of options to choose from. After following the guidelines from Natalie, my appreciation for food has changed. I now feel energised and more awake from making small changes to my diet. I use to get headaches most afternoons, which I thought was down to tiredness. Now after adjusting a few lifestyle factors I very rarely get these headaches. Now days you see all this healthy, raw eating and it can get quite expensive, but Natalie’s recipes and suggestions are using simple, everyday ingredients that don’t cost a fortune. This suited me as although I enjoy making more difficult recipes, for everyday meals this is what I needed and has resulted in me being able to adapt my lifestyle permanently rather than for the short term. Natalie was and still is always there if I ever needed a question answered; I felt very comfortable discussing things with her as I could tell she was there to help me make a positive change to my lifestyle. Working with Natalie was not about losing weight fast or changing my habits for the short term – her advice and support has led me to make positive changes to my lifestyle for the rest of my life. Don’t get me wrong I still eat food that is classed as ‘bad’ but day by day I am changing my ways and this would not have been possible without the amazing advice and support I have received from her.”
— Kayla I (energy, healthy eating and creating balance with food client)
“I’ve been working with Nat for the past five months and have lost 15 kilos. She has been absolutely gorgeous. Natalie really understands how the body works and what it needs to achieve different outcomes. Everything that she said would happen, did happen and I’m so pleased I stuck with the changes she recommended. She’s been totally supportive and a great advocate for doing what feels right for me. I’ve gained so much from working with her, my energy has increased, I very rarely have sugar cravings anymore and I’m fueling my body in a way that feels healthy and right for me (while loosing weight). Totally worth the investment! Here’s to life changing habits Thanks Nat xxx”
— Lauren K (weight loss & healthy eating client)
“Dietary advice! You are a star thank you so much Natalie! That is very reassuring. Thank you for the great common sense suggestions for steady and long lasting improvements to what I am already doing. I like the clear and concise guidelines… these are very useful, I look forward to implementing them into my current routine and I will let you know how I am progressing. ”
— Bonnie K (weight loss & healthy eating client)
“I am a trade worker and have a busy workload and lifestyle. Natalie has helped me with eating better, food preparation, and being more aware of the foods I’m eating an how certain foods affect me. I was amazed at what a change in diet can bring! I have more energy, better digestion, I sleep better and have no more reflux. Thanks for your help, guidance and support Natalie! It’s been a pleasure working with you.”
— Reuben (reflux & digestive health client)
“I had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010. I had battled many flare ups and felt my life would be this way for ever..
July 2016 was one of my worse flare ups – which drove me to find a solution that “western medicine” could not cure.
I had the pleasure of a one on one consultation with Natalie. She spent a lot of time learning about my stomach problems and we discussed the relation our stomachs have with stress.
Natalie recommended I try eliminate certain food groups and provided me with a food plan and dietary recommendations. She also prescribed some great supplements that helped me gain a healthy gut.
It only took a week till my flare up went back to remission, and almost a year later, I’ve remained to have a healthy gut.
Healthy eating & Healthy living are the key.”
— Aditya (digestive health client)
“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the restart plan! I loved it and it was so good to have it all laid out and easy to follow. I am a big fan of yours and love your advice and recipes. I have a few more kilos I’d like to lose but your plan has set me up to achieve this and it was great to have it all in black and white!! So thank you!!”
— Liko I (14-day restart eBook)
“I’ve been working with Natalie for 2 months (her package deal consultation special). In 8 weeks I’ve noticed I’m sleeping better (only waking during the night 1x per week, instead of 3-4x per night), I’m waking up feeling a lot more refreshed, my energy levels are way better from feeling like I was 0/10 to now 8/10. Stress levels have reduced, eating habits have improved and I’m exercising more. Still working on reducing my reflux which I now get 1x per week instead of 4-5x per week, but I know what causes it now which is great. Overall I feel like a completely different person from when I first walked in the door to see Natalie. ”
— Rachel H (healthy eating & living client)
“I met Natalie about 4½ months ago, with a promise of amongst other things, to lose 3 to 6 kgs within 6 weeks. We had an hour long meeting wherein we discussed my eating habits, etc which enabled her to put together an eating plan for me for the next 6 weeks (and beyond actually). The plan included some supplements, so the whole thing was scientific, rather than a hit-n-miss or one size fits all. In the 1st 2 weeks I lost just over 2 kilograms, my energy levels increased, I stopped feeling sluggish in the afternoons, and my sleep patterns improved. The most remarkable thing about all of this is my cholesterol level of 7, dropped to 5.8 after TWO WEEKS!!! And then to 4.8 in the newxt 2!!! It has now settled in at 4.7 – AWESOME!!! 2 months after I completed the prgram, I am still at least 6 kilograms lighter, energy levels are still right up there, and I am comtinuing with the plan (well mostly!!!) that Natalie designed for me. I have found Natalie to be personable and friendly and helpful. I can recommend her as a nutritionist and health practitioner unreservedly! Feel free to contact me for any clarification or additional information.”
— Bryce D (weight loss client-6 week program)
“My health journey with Nat started with one of her 4 week spring cleanse programmes. I decided to do the 4 week spring cleanse after a consultation with Nat to discuss the issues I had been experiencing, Nat believed the cleanse would be beneficial to me. She was right. I have suffered from IBS, bloating and psoriasis for around 8 years. I went to a number of specialists and nutritionists over this time but never really achieved any lasting results to reduce these conditions. The cleanse Nat put me on was so easy to follow, it didn’t mean I had to give up the foods I love or stop socialising because of diet restrictions, it was totally manageable. I learnt how to make healthy swaps and what foods make my conditions worse. Over the 4 weeks I lost 5kgs, my skin cleared up and the psoriasis significantly reduced, bloating stopped and the IBS subsided too. It’s been over 6 months since I did the cleanse, I’m still feeling great, my problems are no longer problems and I have maintained the weight loss.
I love dealing with Nat as she’s always available to answer any queries and has some great tips and tricks for any concerns I have. Nat has so much knowledge and works with you to get results, she understands that everyone is different and tailors a plan to suit you and your needs. I couldn’t recommend anyone better, you truely are amazing Nat and I’m so glad I went on this health journey with you. I have never felt better – thanks for everything!”
— Jenny (weight loss, digestive health client – 4 week spring cleanse)
“I was struggling with gut issues, and have been for years – all bought on by living a busy and sometimes stressful lifestyle. I’m young, what can I say! But since having had three consultations with Nat I have discovered a huge improvement with my energy levels, clarity of my mind, concentration and digestion. I was no longer feeling anxious, bloated, tired and moody. I felt in control, and it hit me how amazing your body truely is and that you really are a product of what you eat and what you think. Nat gave me the tools and confidence to make some changes to my diet and exercise regime and it made a whole lot of difference. I really enjoyed Nat’s relaxed approach and I would highly recommend going to see Nat if you are feeling slightly off, running on low, or just want to revamp your diet and lifestyle!”
— Amie G (digestive health & healthy eating client)
“During the past weeks I have been implementing all the tips you gave me.
And I just want to let you know that I got my period back yesterday, after four years not having it at all. Also, I have noticed that my hair is not falling out as much and my nails are better. I want to thank you so much for all your help and support! I am so happy because I never thought that it would happen so soon.
You are such a great person and I am glad that I have met you.”
— Mona F (hormonal health client)
“I came to Natalie after feeling unhappy with my diet and generally unwell for quite a while. In a friendly, professional manner, she assessed what areas I needed help with and then tailored me an individualised wellness plan. After seeing her for a couple of months, I am feeling much better, and am more confident making choices about my personal well being. Thanks Natalie”
— Liam F (energy & anxiety client)
“Cholesterol Down in 3 months!
I went to Natalie almost one year ago now with high cholesterol. After analysing my current diet and lifestyle she was able to present a multitude of further choices that would help me even further. One of the best things with the changes to my diet that I appreciated the most was how I was able to continue to eat a lot of the foods I like. I only had to change some of the preparation methods and quantity. With the changes we made to my diet as well as exercise, I was able to reduce my cholesterol by over one unit in only 3 months. Natalie is very positive minded, and helps you focus on what needs to be done to achieve your goal. At the same time you feel committed, not pressured, to do what it takes. Thank you very much Natalie.”
— Dimche (Weight loss, healthy eating, lower cholesterol client)
“I’ve always enjoyed healthy eating and thought I had a fairly good handle on what I could and couldn’t eat. Whether that be to lean down or bulk up. When I went to Natalie she came up with a meal plan that was fairly similar to what I was eating with some great tweaks and suggestions. These easy changes provided me great overall results. Within about 4 weeks, I had lost that last hard to get fat, I wanted to lose before summer.”
— Dave G (eating plan for lean muscle & muscle gain client)
“When I first saw Natalie I was only really thinking about weight loss. It was coming up to summer and I had struggled with it for the last 5 years because of multiple injuries. When she started asking me questions about what I wanted out of my sessions with her I was puzzled. I thought; isn’t it obvious? I want to loose weight. She prompted me with answers, “Would you like your skin to be better?” “Your eczema?” “Bowels?” “How are you sleeping?” etc. I was under the illusion that all these things were medical problems and would be dealt with by medicines and doctors as they have been all my life… and I was wrong. Natalie helped me get my pre accident-prone life back. Through her expertise in holistic nutrition she’s helped me reduce my stress and anxiety surrounding so many aspect of my life. I now realise the power of food and its positive and negative effects and how it can influence, plainly put, everything. Through her guidance and continued support I have been able to tick off boxes that I didn’t even realise I needed to work on. I now sleep better; I wake up full of energy and ready for the day ahead. My skin is amazing, I’m fuller throughout the day so I don’t snack on bad things (she gives me healthier alternatives if I want to go off the rails for a night though). We figured out the food associated triggers for my eczema and irritable bowel so I no longer itch like crazy or feel like i’m going to keel over in pain with my stomach. I recommend Natalie with the highest esteem. She’ll make you feel better in so many ways that you didn’t even realise you needed. There are always things we can improve on to live healthier lives and the investment is priceless.”
— Nadia S (digestive health, skin issues, energy, wellness client)
“I’ve really loved working with Natalie! She has such a warm friendly manner which made it easier telling her my “secret eating habits”!!! Not that I was ashamed of my eating; I’d just slipped into treat food everyday rather than once in a while and I hadn’t realised it. I really enjoyed sharing my daily eating habits with her and then her suggesting changes I could make. Yes, I did want to loose weight, but also feel healthier and not so tired all the time. We looked at all sorts of things to help, including sleep patterns and exercise as well as supplements. It’s now been several months since I last spoke to Natalie and although I haven’t lost all the weight I’d like to yet, I’m on the right track and feeling so much healthier than I was. I’ve learnt a lot about myself and my body but also how to feed my family healthier meals. Thanks Natalie, it’s been a pleasure and I’d highly recommend your services to anyone in a similar situation.”
— Liz (weight loss & energy client)
Let's connect @nataliebradynutrition
The information on this website is not intended to replace the advice of your GP, a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended for self-diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. The entire content of this website is based on the opinions of Natalie Brady, a qualified Holistic Nutritionist, unless otherwise noted. Click here for term and conditions of services.
Copyright © Natalie Brady Nutrition 2022 | Natalie Brady Nutrition Listed in Auckland's Top Nutritionists | Website by Fuel Media