Hi, I’m Natalie.
A Holistic Nutritionist, Wellness Expert, Healthy Recipe Creator

I teach my clients how to take control of their health so they can lose weight, restore their gut health, support stable blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, regain their energy and reduce stress so they can get back to living their life feeling their best. I give my clients the tools they need to achieve this by putting together a customised health care plan which includes a meal plan, recipes, lifestyle recommendation & so much more!

Hi, I’m Natalie.
A Holistic Nutritionist, Wellness Expert, Healthy Recipe Creator

I teach my clients how to take control of their health so they can lose weight, restore their gut health, support stable blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, regain their energy and reduce stress so they can get back to living their life feeling their best. I give my clients the tools they need to achieve this by putting together a customised health care plan which includes a meal plan, recipes, lifestyle recommendation & so much more!

I strive to inspire, educate and motivate.

I have a HUGE passion to help empower women and men to feel happy, confident and live the healthy balanced life you deserve! It’s my mission to help you learn that healthy living should be fun, rewarding, enjoyable and NOT boring, difficult or feel like a chore.

My Wellness Philosophy
Simple Ways To Feel Your Best…






Recent Recipes

Hundred’s of healthy recipe ideas. All recipes use wholefood ingredients and are easy to make.

Gut-Loving & Immune Supporting Gummies

I make these gummies regularly for my kids to support their gut and immune health, and now I'm finally getting around to sharing it with you! Why Gummies? Gelatin is a gut health superstar! It helps with healing the gut lining, improving digestion and reducing inflammation. Plus, it’s a fun, kid-friendly way to sneak in extra nutrients! I use Metagenics Kids E.N.T Immune Care and cod liver oil for their incredible immune-boosting benefits. Cod liver oil is rich in DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid), as well as vitamins A and D. These nutrients are crucial for immunity, bone health, promoting brain function and reducing inflammation, while the Kids E.N.T powder supports overall respiratory and immune function.

5 Minute High Protein BreakfastHere is a simple 5 minute breakfast recipe that contains over 30 grams of protein. If you're after improved metabolic health, better blood sugar stabilization, improved energy levels, less afternoon cravings and better hormonal health then you want to start your day with a minimum of 30 grams of protein. THE TOTAL PROTEIN IN THIS MEAL - 4x eggs (1 egg = 6 grams) + 2x tbsp almond butter (1 tbsp = 4 grams) = 32 grams. The benefits of this meal: Eggs - protein, choline, B vitamins, vitamin A & D Spinach - fibre and antioxidants Apple - fibre and carbohydrates Almond butter - healthy fats and vitamin E
Chickpea And Tuna PattiesThese chickpea and tuna patties are an easy, plant-based and budget friendly high protein recipe. If you're trying to get more protein in your diet and need a break from animal proteins, then look no further and give this recipe a go! They contain tuna, chickpeas & eggs - 3 great sources or protein sources. They are also a great meal prep option or make-ahead dinner option. These patties are super nourishing and can be whipped up in a matter of minutes like many of my recipes.

Let's connect @nataliebradynutrition 


The information on this website is not intended to replace the advice of your GP, a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended for self-diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. The entire content of this website is based on the opinions of Natalie Brady, a qualified Holistic Nutritionist, unless otherwise noted. Click here for term and conditions of services.

Copyright © Natalie Brady Nutrition 2022 | Natalie Brady Nutrition Listed in Auckland's Top Nutritionists | Website by Fuel Media

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