3 Supplements I Take When My Iron Levels Drop

May 27, 2024 | Energy, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Wellness

With being pregnant 3 times in the past 4 years my iron levels have been going up & down like a rollercoaster ride. I went into each pregnancy with high hemoglobin levels and high ferritin levels (80+ each time). By the time my third trimester hit, with each pregnancy my ferritin levels dropped into the 20’s (which can be okay in your third trimester if your hemoglobin are normal), however my hemoglobin levels also dropped. This is actually very common as our blood volume increases by up to 50% when pregnant.
When my iron levels drop I always notice a drop in energy levels, which is often how I can tell it’s time to get some bloods test done to access my iron studies status. Iron plays an important role in energy production, it helps to move oxygen throughout our body and our baby’s body & plays a key role in fetal development. Iron deficiency increases your risk of premature birth & having a low birthweight infant. Low iron also impairs thyroid function & most importantly iron is critical for neurodevelopment, with low levels leading to neurocognitive delays for your baby.
Also, with each birth I lost quite a bit of blood, & with my recent birth I had postpartum hemorrhage, causing my iron markers to drop again, so once again I am focusing on lifting back up my iron levels.
Here are 3 supplements I take when wanting to lift my ferritin & hemoglobin levels.
  1. Bio-Medica BioHeme. This contains iron bisglycinate, the most bioavailable form of iron which does not affect gut health or cause constipation (unlike ferrograde which doctors prescribe that is poorly absorbed and can cause constipation).
  2. Grass-fed and grass-finished liver capsules. Liver a rich source of iron and contains other cofactors which are important for raising iron levels. When I was pregnant, I actually took a supplement which was a mix of liver and spleen for a little more diversity, or if I was going to eat liver in its food form, I’d skip taking this supplement that day.
  3. Organic spirulina. Spirulina has shown to be effective at raising hemoglobin levels and is a wonderful source of many other vitamins and minerals.

Some are other factors to consider when wanting to increase iron levels are to make sure you have sufficient stomach acid (to help with iron’s absorption), eat red meat regularly and make sure you pair it with vitamin C rich foods to enhance iron’s absorption and avoid taking iron supplements or eating iron rich foods around tea, coffee or calcium rich foods which impair its absorption

I hope this was helpful! And if you need further support on how to nourish your body during pregnancy check out my online Prenatal Nutrition Course.

Hi I’m Natalie, a Registered Clinical Nutritionist, health influencer, blog writer & recipe creator. My own health complications prompted me to make positive diet & lifestyle changes, revitalize my health leading to a career change from the corporate world to nutritional medicine. I believe in a wholefoods approach to good health, focusing on simple strategies for modern, busy people.

Let's connect @nataliebradynutrition 


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