Matcha Latte

If you are after an energizing morning drink, then you're in the right spot! Matcha is one of my favourite superfoods. I have recently started adding it to my diet. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, so this is the perfect substitute for me. My favourite time of the day to enjoy this delish latte is with breakfast. If for some reason I need an afternoon pick-me-up this is one of my go-to's, along with my chocolate bliss balls.

I like to add the powder to brown rice milk and brew an antioxidant-rich green tea, it can also be added into smoothies or baking. Matcha does have quite a strong taste, this is why I pair it with unsweetened almond milk or rice milk as it is a naturally sweet milk. Then add a little raw honey for extra health-boosting benefits and a little more sweetness.

Matcha health benefits:

- It's super high in antioxidants, it's been said to have 137 times more antioxidants than green tea
- It supports energy production
- Calms the mind and relaxes the body as it contains the amino acid theanine
- Boosts the metabolism and helps with weight management
- Rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals
- Contains chlorophyll, good for detoxification

 1 tsp matcha powder
 1 cup unsweetend almond milk or coconut milk
 1 tsp raw honey


Add milk and matcha to a small saucepan, mix together over medium heat until hot.


Stir in honey at the end, pour into a mug and enjoy!